BizLibrary for Succession Planning
Develop Future Leaders with Modern Online Learning Content and Technology
Change in your leadership team is inevitable. Every day 10,000 baby boomers are retiring, and this trend is expected to continue into the 2030s.
Many of these individuals are high-level leaders. When they leave the company, they are taking years of valuable knowledge with them.
Succession planning can help organizations create a seamless transition in times of change. This can be a long-term process, but there are steps you can start taking today to create a smooth transition for your team.
When Iowa Sixth District implemented their succession planning process from The BizLibrary Collection, word of their success spread quickly to additional locations of their organization.
“Other districts in our state are jumping on board saying we like what you are doing, we like the platform, and our staff are talking positively about it.”
– Todd Roberts, Executive Officer
Transform Your Culture
In today’s competitive market, employers cannot afford to lose valuable knowledge during times of personnel changes. By developing a culture of knowledge sharing, you eliminate that issue while creating the foundation of trust and confidence your new leaders need to become successful. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, employees are 37% more likely to stay with organizations when they believe they are gaining the skills and experiences they need to develop their careers.
“We have revamped our reverse mentoring program and our mentoring program, and we used the videos within BizLibrary and created featured playlists so that both our mentors and mentees can go in and watch those videos when they need them.”
– Stacy West, Empowerment Team Lead
Identify High Performing Employees
Identifying and developing the high potential employees in your organization, also known as HIPO, is a fundamental piece to a proactive succession plan.
To locate these individuals ask yourself, what skills and knowledge will you need your next generation of leaders need to master? Work with your current leadership team to develop standards and begin searching for your organization’s HIPOs.
Create Your Development Plan
Once you have identified your HIPOs, it is time to create your strategic plan. The BizLibrary Collection has resources available to develop new managers, communication skills, and emotional intelligence. Engaging in short bursts of leadership training helps your HIPOs to quickly put their new skills to practice.
Our client success team’s experience and expertise will help you create a program that aligns with your organization’s needs.