professional woman reading articles on computer

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected business world, understanding and mastering business etiquette is crucial for success. Whether it’s communicating through emails, interacting with colleagues, or conducting meetings, professional etiquette sets the tone for a respectful and productive work environment.

In this blog, we will explore what business etiquette is, provide practical business etiquette tips, and delve into various types of business etiquette to help you navigate the corporate landscape with confidence and professionalism.

What is Business Etiquette

Business etiquette refers to the set of expected behaviors and norms that govern interactions in a professional setting. It encompasses a wide range of practices, from how you communicate and dress to how you conduct yourself in meetings and social events. Adhering to professional etiquette demonstrates respect, consideration, and professionalism, fostering positive relationships and a harmonious work environment.

Types of Business Etiquette

Email Etiquette for Business

Email remains a primary mode of communication in the corporate world. Practicing good email etiquette is essential to ensure your messages are clear, concise, and professional. Here are some simple guidelines to follow.

  • Use a clear and relevant subject line: Clear, concise subject lines help others prioritize their inboxes. Ensure your important email isn’t overlooked by avoiding ambiguous subject lines.
  • Address the recipient appropriately: Use suffixes when appropriate and match the tone of voice to the person’s job role. “Hey! How’s it going?” might be suitable for a teammate but not for your CEO.
  • Keep your message brief and to the point: Short, concise emails demonstrate professionalism and reduce confusion among recipients.
  • Proofread for spelling and grammar errors: With spellcheck and AI technology, it’s easy to avoid mistakes. Take a 30-second pause before sending an email to review it for clarity and grammatical correctness. This simple step shows professionalism and reliability.
  • Use a professional signature with your contact information: While humorous email signatures might be entertaining online, maintaining a professional signature with accurate contact information is essential for good business etiquette. Your email signature is your last chance to leave a lasting impression on the recipient, so use it wisely.

Stand out in your recipient’s inbox with these additional tips on professional emailing!

Meeting Etiquette

Meetings are an integral part of business operations. Following meeting etiquette guidelines helps ensure each meeting is productive and respectful.

  • Arrive on time or a few minutes early: Being late to meetings is unprofessional and disrespectful. Avoid being known as the person who is always late. If something comes up and you know you’ll be late, notify the person at least 5 minutes before the scheduled meeting time. Pro tip: schedule space between meetings to ensure you can arrive on time for each of your commitments.
  • Prepare an agenda and stick to it: Meetings often exceed their allotted time when people don’t stick to the agenda. If the conversation begins to veer off topic, politely redirect it back to the original agenda and suggest scheduling another meeting for the additional topics if needed. Everyone will appreciate your dedication to keeping the meeting on track and on time.
  • Listen actively and avoid interrupting others: Show respect by not interrupting and paying attention during meetings. This is an easy way to maintain professionalism at work.
  • Summarize key points and action items at the end of your meeting: Stand out to your colleagues by summarizing key points and action items at the end of your meeting. To go above and beyond, email these items afterward to ensure everyone knows their responsibilities and is on the same page.
  • Avoid eating during the meeting or consuming distracting drinks: This rule helps keep the meeting on track and prevents others from being disturbed or distracted. Follow this unless the meeting coordinator specifies otherwise.
Workplace Etiquette

Professional etiquette in the workplace involves everyday interactions with colleagues and superiors.

  • Respect personal space and privacy. Instead of dropping by someone’s desk, send them an email or message asking them when an appropriate time for you to stop by would be.
  • Be mindful of noise levels. Utilize headphones when listening to something at your desk. Even private offices are not always noise-proof. If you need to hop on a call in a quiet setting, remove yourself to a shared conference space or a more appropriate location.
  • Maintain a tidy workspace. A vibrant, personality-filled desk can bring life to an otherwise dull office space. However, avoid over-cluttering your desk with too many knickknacks or leaving trash around. Additionally, avoid displaying objects with political messaging of any kind.
  • Offer help and support to colleagues when needed. It never hurts to send a colleague or your manager a quick message to offer help or support.
  • Handle conflicts with discretion and professionalism. Do not argue or confront someone in a shared space. Instead, ask them to step into a private office, conference room, or more secluded location.
  • Dress Professionally, adhering to any company dress codes.
Professional Etiquette for Remote Workers

Even in a remote work setting, it’s important to maintain workplace etiquette.

  • Respect personal space and privacy. Always check that a person is available before you call them. If possible, set up a meeting with a written agenda or call topic.
  • Dress appropriately. Even in a remote environment, it’s important to dress professionally for meetings. This can vary depending on job role and organization. For example, someone who participates in daily client calls will likely dress more formally than someone who only takes internal calls.
  • Communicate clearly. Read over a message before sending it to ensure your message is clear and concise.
  • Make sure to cc the right people on emails. Avoid clogging up inboxes unnecessarily, as this reflects poor business etiquette. If you’re unsure whether someone should be cc’d, ask your manager or the person directly for guidance.
  • Keep your camera on as much as possible. In a virtual world, human connection can be as simple as turning on your camera. In important meetings, or whenever possible, keep your camera on.

Business Etiquette Tips Roundup

Want to be known for your professionalism at work? Make sure to follow these tips.

  • Be Punctual: Respect others’ time by arriving on time for meetings, appointments, and deadlines. Punctuality demonstrates reliability and commitment.
  • Communicate Clearly: Whether in person, over the phone, or via email, clear and concise communication is key. Avoid jargon and ensure your message is understood.
  • Show Respect: Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their position or background. Politeness and courtesy go a long way in building positive relationships.
  • Be Mindful of Cultural Differences: In a globalized business environment, understanding and respecting cultural differences is crucial. Be aware of different customs, traditions, and communication styles.
  • Be Consistent and Reliable: Continue to uphold a high standard of professionalism in all your interactions. This includes being honest, ethical, respectful, and accountable for your actions.

Upskilling Your Workforce on Business Etiquette

Upskilling your team on business etiquette can be both fun and rewarding. Start by organizing engaging workshops and trainings where learners gain insights into professional conduct, effective communication, and cultural awareness. This could include topics like email and phone etiquette, dress codes, and meeting manners.

Make it interactive with role-playing exercises and diverse activities so everyone can practice these skills in real-world situations. Share resources like handbooks and supplemental materials and encourage your learners to explore your online learning library for related subjects to promote self-directed learning. Recognize and reward those who demonstrate excellent etiquette to foster a culture of respect and professionalism. And don’t forget to ask for feedback to continuously improve your training programs!

Emphasizing the importance of business etiquette within your organization can have many benefits. It creates a positive and professional work environment that promotes respect for colleagues, fosters professional reputations, and builds strong relationships.

Learn more about shifting company culture with professional speaker and presenter Eve Ash in this webinar on Creating a Culture of Respect.