The BizLibrary Blog

Read the latest news and research in the
learning and development industry
lgbtq employee working on computer
9 min
Q&A: What It Looks Like to Empower the LGBTQ+ Community in the Workplace
Colin Quinn talks about what it looks like to empower LGBTQ+ employees, with lots of practical...
employees talking about training evaluation
9 min
The Kirkpatrick Model – A Closer Look at the Training Program Evaluation Model
Dive into the Kirkpatrick training evaluation model and how to deploy it to enhance your training...
L&D leaders work together to form a learning strategy.
5 min
3 Ways to Improve Your Training Programs with Cognitive Learning Theory Tools
What is Cognitive Learning Theory?  Cognitive learning theory (CLT) is a psychological perspective focused on the...
Man packs up his desk after turning in his resignation letter.
5 min
4 Ways to Engage Employees That Help Boost Retention
As the world reopens, there could be a jobs shift. Learn how to engage and retain...
employee using time management skills
11 min
Time Management for Employees – How to Unlock Your People’s Productivity
Learn everything you need to know about how to train and enable your employees to manage...
Worker following compliance operating machinery
6 min
Creating a Culture of Compliance for a Safer, More Respectful Workplace
Compliance is an end result of a culture where people look out for each other's best...
4 min
4 Tips on How to Market Training and Development as a Benefit
Read four tips on how HR professionals can market training and development as a benefit to...
manager motivating employees in the workplace
6 min
Mastering Motivation in the Workplace: What Drives Employees’ Effort and Engagement
Motivation techniques are crucial skills for managers to learn - here are some of our favorite...
Millennial leader training peers
5 min
How to Tackle Millennial Leadership Development
Many organizations are struggling to implement a millennial leadership development plan. Here are our tips on how...
an employee practicing mindfulness at work
7 min
How to Introduce Mindfulness in the Workplace
Being able to dial into the present moment and focus on one task at a time...
employees receiving dei training
12 min
DEI Training: Building Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Organizations
DEI training, more recently referred to as DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) training has become...
trends in training survey description with illustrations
6 min
Trends in Training 2024: What They Mean & How to Use Them in Your L&D Program
New year, new e-learning trends. To get a pulse on the latest trends in learning and...