Computer Literacy

What is computer literacy? Computer literacy refers to a set of skills that many modern employees take for granted. It refers to the skills that are required to navigate a digital landscape – things like managing email, connecting external devices, managing log-in information, confidence in asynchronous work tools, and much more. In a technological age, it might be easy to assume that every person in the workplace has basic or above average computer literacy – but according to a recent study, that’s not true. In fact, 1/3 of today’s workforce lack basic or foundational digital literacy skills.  

This skill gap has a huge impact on the economy – in ways you might not expect. For example, individuals who possess even one digital literacy skill can earn an average of 23% over an individual who does not have any computer literacy skills. Additionally, individuals who are not computer literate are at the highest risk of being replaced by automation in this growing age of AI & manual automation. In America, Black and Hispanic workers are overrepresented in the group of workers that do not possess computer literacy skills and are therefore at risk of being automated out of a job. 

The National Skills Coalition also reported that turnover costs are estimated from $25,000 for an employee that quits in their first year to over $78,000 for an employee that leaves after 5 years. These costs can be reduced by giving employees upskilling opportunities in the form of computer training so that they can continue to stay  and progress with the organization.  

As remote and hybrid workplaces grow, it is essential that employees are given opportunities to develop their digital literacy through computer training classes or other forms of upskilling. Even if your workplace isn’t digital today – it could be very soon. 

Computer Literacy Training 

 Computer literacy training encompasses many skills – some more specific than others. Digital literacy isn’t just for knowledge workers anymore – it’s for everyone. Some employees may need help with using more standard software, such as Microsoft Office, email, Windows, etc. Other employees may need help with more advanced softwares and skills, such as Photoshop, Salesforce, Power BI, and more. Check out BizLibrary’s computer skills training library for just a small preview of all the digital learning content we have in our collection. 

As the workplace becomes more and more digital, with hybrid work growing at a rapid rate, it’s also increasingly important that all employees gain at least above average skills in synchronous communication tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and others. These tools are essential in remote and hybrid work, and to make the transition as smooth as possible, employees should receive training prior to a switch.

Another growing component of digital literacy is AI. BizLibrary leverages AI to assist with administrative tasks and personalizing and improving learner experience. There are a few different kinds of AI that are making a big impact on the workforce – and they’re all unique. Employees in the modern age, especially as we progress, should know the basics about each type of AI and what it does.  

The three most common types of AI in the workplace are: 

Generative AI 

This is one of the newest kinds of AI that is becoming widespread across the workforce – and causing all kinds of panic. Think ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, Midjourney, etc. Generative AI can intake prompts and create new information from what it is given.  

Machine Learning 

Machine learning uses algorithms to identify patterns and make predictions on past behavior. Machine learning can be applied in many use cases – for example, BizLibrary uses machine learning to generate personalized content paths for learners based on their preferences and current utilization, among other criteria.  

Natural Language Processing 

Natural language processing (commonly referred to as NLP) is the use of a computer to understand human language. NLP can be used in translation and localization efforts, however, it’s often used for sentiment analysis. Some workplaces use sentiment analysis to keep a close eye on their employee engagement.  

Providing computer literacy training on topics such as AI help keep your workforce ahead of the curve, ready for new techniques and new technology. However, it’s important to provide computer skills training on as many topics as you can to meet your employees exactly where they are.  

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